Wedding Art Photography in Heraklion

Teti & Mihalis (Blackboard)


If you are looking for something different in wedding art photography in Heraklion, we believe you have reached your destination! Apart from the more expected art shoots that we are being asked; every now and then, there comes a couple that has the time and the adventurous spirit to experiment in doing something different. Teti & Mihalis were definitely such a couple! Upon completion of their art shoot in nature (which you can see here); we proposed to make an art shoot using their story and our blackboard as the backdrop. After knowing their story, we focused on three pivotal moments and made them into chalk sketches! These kind of shoots however take patience from all parties involved, as the sketching naturally takes time to complete before each photo can be taken! Having said this, our collaboration was indeed very good and in the “down-times” we got to talk and get to know each other better.

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Wedding Art Photography in Heraklion
Wedding Art Photography in Heraklion
Wedding Art Photography in Heraklion